About Us
programs. We offer books, meeting chips, gifts and other merchandise supporting
12-step programs. While recovery is serious, it is equally important that we enjoy
and celebrate life and sobriety. We offer a wide assortment of beautiful, humorous,
and focused gifts for everyone involved in recovery.

Easy Does It Store
Easy Does It Books and Gifts has operated continuously as a “Brick & Mortar” store in Long Beach, CA since April 12, 1997. Our store was originally opened by Richard Waide who ran the store until his passing in 2023. His widow, Lisa Waide, assisted by volunteers from the local recovery community, ran the store in the same location for an additional year. On April 12, 2024 (27-years after the original Grand Opening) the new owners, Ken & Kristie Nairne had a Grand re-opening at our new address: 4030 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA.
Inside The Easy Does Store At Our New Location

Easy Does It – Books & Gifts continues to operate as a Brick & Mortar Storefront, open 7-days a week. All employees and contractors are members of the recovery community. Additionally, we have expanded our on-line presence to provide the most complete offering of gifts, medallions, books, jewelry, clothing and other merchandise in support of recovery programs on the internet. We look forward to meeting you in person or online.
Richard Waide's Legacy
In Loving Memory
Of Richard Waide
Easy Does It Opens
Richard Waide cutting the ribbon to open Easy Does It Books & Gifts on April 12, 1997 when the clock struck 12:12 p.m. to honor the 12 steps and 12 traditions.
Easy Does It Makes Its First Dollar
Richard Waide holding up the first dollar he earned at Easy Does It Books & Gifts.
Richard Waide At Easy Does It - Original Location
Richard Waide photographed standing behind the oddly shaped window at the original location of Easy Does It Books & Gifts.